Musikmesse Frankfurt 2009

Seek, and ye shall find


On request of "BassQuarterly" and with the friendly support of the firm "CMS" did I make myself on the long journey to Frankfurt to visit the Music Exibition there. Bass Quarterly asked me to have a look at this Exibition from the point of view of a lefthand-bassplayer.

The size of this Exbition as well as the interest in it, was quite impressive. After the first 20 minutes in "Halle 4" I got the feeling, that there must be a seperate "Halle" for lefthand-bassplayers, as I haven't been able to find a single lefthand-bass up to this point. But then, I found them: Piece by piece.

Here I'll show you a couple of examples to proof, that we (lefties) haven't entirely been forgotten:



Bacchus with models of the BJB 62C, BJB 65C and BJB75C for lefties

Jörg Neugebauer of Clover Basses: At least you are dependable.

Clover Apeiron Classic.6 lefthand


Fender basses!

Ratio 17:1!


hardly basses - no lefties!



Malibu 4 BB / LH


The exibition with the most lefties!!!



Only one left handed bass: Sandberg California


Alien fretted und fretless


Gibson bus

For vintage lovers

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